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5769 KIMOTONODOBU 生酛のどぶ 仕12号 +12 久保本家酒造 奈良県 R5BY(2023) 720ml B427 KIMOTONODOBU 生酛のどぶ 仕17号 +16 久保本家酒造 奈良県 0605A R5BY(2023) 1800ml B426 KIMOTONODOBU 生酛のどぶ 仕16号 +18 久保本家酒造 奈良県 R5BY(2023) 1800ml
: HK$220.00
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: HK$480.00
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: HK$480.00
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5769 KIMOTONODOBU 生酛のどぶ 仕12号 +12 久保本家酒造 奈良県 R5BY(2023) 720ml B427 KIMOTONODOBU 生酛のどぶ 仕17号 +16 久保本家酒造 奈良県 0605A R5BY(2023) 1800ml B426 KIMOTONODOBU 生酛のどぶ 仕16号 +18 久保本家酒造 奈良県 R5BY(2023) 1800ml
R5BY Tank No.12

Nihonshu-do +12 / Oumi Nipponbare(Kakemai) 75% + Awa Yamada-Nishiki(Koujimai) 25% / Rice polishing rate Kakemai 60% Koujimai 65%

"Kimoto-no-dobu" is an ultimate kimoto cloudy sake made by complete fermentation process. Creamy, pure rich umami with refreshing dry finish. Serve chilled, on the rocks, with soda, and kanzake(warm - hot). R5BY(2023), Release Date : 2024.07
R5BY Tank No.17

Nihonshu-do +16 / Oumi Nipponbare(Kakemai) 75% + Awa Yamada-Nishiki(Koujimai) 25% / Rice polishing rate Kakemai 60% Koujimai 65%

"Kimoto-no-dobu" is an ultimate kimoto cloudy sake made by complete fermentation process. Creamy, pure rich umami with refreshing dry finish. Serve chilled, on the rocks, with soda, and kanzake(warm - hot). R5BY(2023), Release Date : 2024.04
R5BY Tank No.16

Nihonshu-do +18 / Oumi Nipponbare(Kakemai) 75% + Awa Yamada-Nishiki(Koujimai) 25% / Rice polishing rate Kakemai 60% Koujimai 65%

"Kimoto-no-dobu" is an ultimate kimoto cloudy sake made by complete fermentation process. Creamy, pure rich umami with refreshing dry finish. Serve chilled, on the rocks, with soda, and kanzake(warm - hot). R5BY(2023), Release Date : 2024.04
B425 KIMOTONODOBU 生酛のどぶ 仕15号 +17 久保本家酒造 奈良県 R5BY(2023) 1800ml B424 KIMOTONODOBU 生酛のどぶ 仕14号 +17 久保本家酒造 奈良県 R5BY(2023) 1800ml B423 KIMOTONODOBU 生酛のどぶ 仕13号 +16 久保本家酒造 奈良県 R5BY(2023) 1800ml
: HK$480.00
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: HK$480.00
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: HK$480.00
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B425 KIMOTONODOBU 生酛のどぶ 仕15号 +17 久保本家酒造 奈良県 R5BY(2023) 1800ml B424 KIMOTONODOBU 生酛のどぶ 仕14号 +17 久保本家酒造 奈良県 R5BY(2023) 1800ml B423 KIMOTONODOBU 生酛のどぶ 仕13号 +16 久保本家酒造 奈良県 R5BY(2023) 1800ml
R5BY Tank No.15

Nihonshu-do +17 / Oumi Nipponbare(Kakemai) 75% + Awa Yamada-Nishiki(Koujimai) 25% / Rice polishing rate Kakemai 60% Koujimai 65%

"Kimoto-no-dobu" is an ultimate kimoto cloudy sake made by complete fermentation process. Creamy, pure rich umami with refreshing dry finish. Serve chilled, on the rocks, with soda, and kanzake(warm - hot). R5BY(2023), Release Date : 2024.04
R5BY Tank No.14

Nihonshu-do +17 / Oumi Nipponbare(Kakemai) 75% + Awa Yamada-Nishiki(Koujimai) 25% / Rice polishing rate Kakemai 60% Koujimai 65%

"Kimoto-no-dobu" is an ultimate kimoto cloudy sake made by complete fermentation process. Creamy, pure rich umami with refreshing dry finish. Serve chilled, on the rocks, with soda, and kanzake(warm - hot). R5BY(2023), Release Date : 2024.04
R5BY Tank No.13

Nihonshu-do +16 / Oumi Nipponbare(Kakemai) 75% + Awa Yamada-Nishiki(Koujimai) 25% / Rice polishing rate Kakemai 60% Koujimai 65%

"Kimoto-no-dobu" is an ultimate kimoto cloudy sake made by complete fermentation process. Creamy, pure rich umami with refreshing dry finish. Serve chilled, on the rocks, with soda, and kanzake(warm - hot). R5BY(2023), Release Date : 2024.04
B422 KIMOTONODOBU 生酛のどぶ 仕12号 +12 久保本家酒造 奈良県 R5BY(2023) 1800ml 6429 HATSUGASUMI 初霞 特別純米 久保本家酒造 奈良県 R4BY(2022) 720ml 6492 SUIRYUU 睡龍 生酛純米 久保本家酒造 奈良県 21BY(2009) 720ml
: HK$480.00
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: HK$220.00
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: HK$320.00
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B422 KIMOTONODOBU 生酛のどぶ 仕12号 +12 久保本家酒造 奈良県 R5BY(2023) 1800ml 6429 HATSUGASUMI 初霞 特別純米 久保本家酒造 奈良県 R4BY(2022) 720ml 6492 SUIRYUU 睡龍 生酛純米 久保本家酒造 奈良県 21BY(2009) 720ml
R5BY Tank No.12

Nihonshu-do +12 / Oumi Nipponbare(Kakemai) 75% + Awa Yamada-Nishiki(Koujimai) 25% / Rice polishing rate Kakemai 60% Koujimai 65%

"Kimoto-no-dobu" is an ultimate kimoto cloudy sake made by complete fermentation process. Creamy, pure rich umami with refreshing dry finish. Serve chilled, on the rocks, with soda, and kanzake(warm - hot). R5BY(2023), Release Date : 2024.04
R4BY(2022) Tokubetsu-junmai

"Hatsugasumi" is a traditional brand of Kubo-Honke Shuzou. Mr.Kato(Toji) has expressed the balance between richness and sharpness. It's a great model of the authentic sake made by "complete fermentation". Released after several years ageing period. Good for room temperature and Kanzake(warm/hot). Rice from local, polishing rate : 60%.
21BY(2009) Kimoto Junmai-shu
Rice polishing rate : 65%

The combination of the process of complete fermentation and a long lapse of time makes this unparalleled Kimoto Junmai-shu. The bottle is released after long ageing period - 6 to 8 years, sometimes over 10 years. It has beautiful amber colour and superb purity.
B139 SUIRYUU 睡龍 生酛純米吟醸 長期熟成一二三 久保本家酒造 奈良県 19BY(2007-8) 1800ml 6503 SUIRYUU 睡龍 生酛純吟 久保本家酒造 奈良県 24BY(2012) 720ml A594 KIMOTONODOBU 生酛のどぶ 仕20号 +17 久保本家酒造 奈良県 R4BY(2022) 1800ml
: HK$880.00
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: HK$360.00
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: HK$480.00
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B139 SUIRYUU 睡龍 生酛純米吟醸 長期熟成一二三 久保本家酒造 奈良県 19BY(2007-8) 1800ml 6503 SUIRYUU 睡龍 生酛純吟 久保本家酒造 奈良県 24BY(2012) 720ml A594 KIMOTONODOBU 生酛のどぶ 仕20号 +17 久保本家酒造 奈良県 R4BY(2022) 1800ml
19BY(2007) Kimoto Junmai-ginjou
Rice polishing rate : 50%

The combination of the process of complete fermentation and a long lapse of time makes this unparalleled Kimoto Junmai-ginjou.This sake was brewed in 2007 and cellared for 15 years. Kubo-Honke-Shuzou says it is still on the way to perfect maturation, however this moment is also one of the unmissable beautiful scene.
24BY(2012) Kimoto Junmai-ginjou
Rice polishing rate : 50%

The combination of the process of complete fermentation and a long lapse of time makes this unparalleled Kimoto Junmai-shu. The bottle is released after long ageing period - 6 to 8 years, sometimes over 10 years. It has beautiful amber colour and superb purity.
R4BY Tank No.20

Nihonshu-do +17 / Oumi Nipponbare(Kakemai) 75% + Awa Yamada-Nishiki(Koujimai) 25% / Rice polishing rate Kakemai 60% Koujimi 65%

"Kimoto-no-dobu" is an ultimate kimoto cloudy sake made by complete fermentation process. Creamy, pure rich umami with refreshing dry finish. Serve chilled, on the rocks, with soda, and kanzake(warm - hot).
A593 KIMOTONODOBU 生酛のどぶ 仕19号 +18 久保本家酒造 奈良県 R4BY(2022) 1800ml A592 KIMOTONODOBU 生酛のどぶ 仕16号 +16 久保本家酒造 奈良県 R4BY(2022) 1800ml A591 KIMOTONODOBU 生酛のどぶ 仕15号 +14 久保本家酒造 奈良県 R4BY(2022) 1800ml
: HK$480.00
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: HK$480.00
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: HK$480.00
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A593 KIMOTONODOBU 生酛のどぶ 仕19号 +18 久保本家酒造 奈良県 R4BY(2022) 1800ml A592 KIMOTONODOBU 生酛のどぶ 仕16号 +16 久保本家酒造 奈良県 R4BY(2022) 1800ml A591 KIMOTONODOBU 生酛のどぶ 仕15号 +14 久保本家酒造 奈良県 R4BY(2022) 1800ml
R4BY Tank No.19

Nihonshu-do +18 / Oumi Nipponbare(Kakemai) 75% + Awa Yamada-Nishiki(Koujimai) 25% / Rice polishing rate Kakemai 60% Koujimi 65%

"Kimoto-no-dobu" is an ultimate kimoto cloudy sake made by complete fermentation process. Creamy, pure rich umami with refreshing dry finish. Serve chilled, on the rocks, with soda, and kanzake(warm - hot).
R4BY Tank No.16

Nihonshu-do +16 / Oumi Nipponbare(Kakemai) 75% + Awa Yamada-Nishiki(Koujimai) 25% / Rice polishing rate Kakemai 60% Koujimi 65%

"Kimoto-no-dobu" is an ultimate kimoto cloudy sake made by complete fermentation process. Creamy, pure rich umami with refreshing dry finish. Serve chilled, on the rocks, with soda, and kanzake(warm - hot).
R4BY Tank No.15

Nihonshu-do +14 / Oumi Nipponbare(Kakemai) 75% + Awa Yamada-Nishiki(Koujimai) 25% / Rice polishing rate Kakemai 60% Koujimi 65%

"Kimoto-no-dobu" is an ultimate kimoto cloudy sake made by complete fermentation process. Creamy, pure rich umami with refreshing dry finish. Serve chilled, on the rocks, with soda, and kanzake(warm - hot).
A590 KIMOTONODOBU 生酛のどぶ 仕14号 +15 久保本家酒造 奈良県 R4BY(2022) 1800ml B138 HATSUGASUMI 初霞 特別純米 一所懸命 久保本家酒造 奈良県 R1BY(2019-20) 1800ml 4761 KIMOTONODOBU 生酛のどぶ 仕11号 +16 久保本家酒造 奈良県 R3BY(2021) 1800ml
: HK$480.00
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: HK$440.00
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: HK$480.00
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A590 KIMOTONODOBU 生酛のどぶ 仕14号 +15 久保本家酒造 奈良県 R4BY(2022) 1800ml B138 HATSUGASUMI 初霞 特別純米 一所懸命 久保本家酒造 奈良県 R1BY(2019-20) 1800ml 4761 KIMOTONODOBU 生酛のどぶ 仕11号 +16 久保本家酒造 奈良県 R3BY(2021) 1800ml
R4BY Tank No.14

Nihonshu-do +15 / Oumi Nipponbare(Kakemai) 75% + Awa Yamada-Nishiki(Koujimai) 25% / Rice polishing rate Kakemai 60% Koujimi 65%

"Kimoto-no-dobu" is an ultimate kimoto cloudy sake made by complete fermentation process. Creamy, pure rich umami with refreshing dry finish. Serve chilled, on the rocks, with soda, and kanzake(warm - hot).
R1BY(2019) Issho-Kenmei

"Hatsugasumi" is a traditional brand of Kubo-Honke Shuzou. Mr.Kato(Toji) has expressed the balance between richness and sharpness. It's a great model of the authentic sake made by "complete fermentation". Released after several years ageing period. Good for room temperature and Kanzake(warm/hot). Gohyakumangoku and Nippon-bare, rice polishing rate : 60%.
R3BY Tank No.11

Nihonshu-do +16 / Rice polishing rate 65% / Yeast No.6

"Kimoto-no-dobu" is an ultimate kimoto cloudy sake made by complete fermentation process. Creamy, pure rich umami with refreshing dry finish. Serve chilled, on the rocks, with soda, and kanzake(warm - hot).
4760 KIMOTONODOBU 生酛のどぶ 仕10号 +15 久保本家酒造 奈良県 R3BY(2021) 1800ml 4759 KIMOTONODOBU 生酛のどぶ 仕9号 +14 久保本家酒造 奈良県 R3BY(2021) 1800ml 4758 KIMOTONODOBU 生酛のどぶ 仕8号 +14 久保本家酒造 奈良県 R3BY(2021) 1800ml
: HK$480.00
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: HK$480.00
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: HK$480.00
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4760 KIMOTONODOBU 生酛のどぶ 仕10号 +15 久保本家酒造 奈良県 R3BY(2021) 1800ml 4759 KIMOTONODOBU 生酛のどぶ 仕9号 +14 久保本家酒造 奈良県 R3BY(2021) 1800ml 4758 KIMOTONODOBU 生酛のどぶ 仕8号 +14 久保本家酒造 奈良県 R3BY(2021) 1800ml
R3BY Tank No.10

Nihonshu-do +15 / Rice polishing rate 65% / Yeast No.6

"Kimoto-no-dobu" is an ultimate kimoto cloudy sake made by complete fermentation process. Creamy, pure rich umami with refreshing dry finish. Serve chilled, on the rocks, with soda, and kanzake(warm - hot).
R3BY Tank No.9

Nihonshu-do +14 / Rice polishing rate 65% / Yeast No.7

"Kimoto-no-dobu" is an ultimate kimoto cloudy sake made by complete fermentation process. Creamy, pure rich umami with refreshing dry finish. Serve chilled, on the rocks, with soda, and kanzake(warm - hot).
R3BY Tank No.8

Nihonshu-do +14 / Rice polishing rate 65% / Yeast No.7

"Kimoto-no-dobu" is an ultimate kimoto cloudy sake made by complete fermentation process. Creamy, pure rich umami with refreshing dry finish. Serve chilled, on the rocks, with soda, and kanzake(warm - hot).
4757 KIMOTONODOBU 生酛のどぶ 仕7号 +11 久保本家酒造 奈良県 R3BY(2021) 1800ml A154 KIMOTONODOBU 生酛のどぶ 仕13号 +14 久保本家酒造 奈良県 R1BY(2019) 1800ml 4242 KIMOTONODOBU 生酛のどぶ 仕7号 +14 久保本家酒造 奈良県 R2BY(2020) 720ml
: HK$480.00
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: HK$480.00
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: HK$220.00
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4757 KIMOTONODOBU 生酛のどぶ 仕7号 +11 久保本家酒造 奈良県 R3BY(2021) 1800ml A154 KIMOTONODOBU 生酛のどぶ 仕13号 +14 久保本家酒造 奈良県 R1BY(2019) 1800ml 4242 KIMOTONODOBU 生酛のどぶ 仕7号 +14 久保本家酒造 奈良県 R2BY(2020) 720ml
R3BY Tank No.7

Nihonshu-do +11 / Rice polishing rate 65% / Yeast No.7

"Kimoto-no-dobu" is an ultimate kimoto cloudy sake made by complete fermentation process. Creamy, pure rich umami with refreshing dry finish. Serve chilled, on the rocks, with soda, and kanzake(warm - hot).
R1BY Tank No.13

Nihonshu-do +14 / Rice polishing rate 65%

"Kimoto-no-dobu" is an ultimate kimoto cloudy sake made by complete fermentation process. Creamy, pure rich umami with refreshing dry finish. Serve chilled, on the rocks, with soda, and kanzake(warm - hot). R1BY(2019), Release Date : 2021.08
R2BY Tank No.7

Nihonshu-do +14 / Rice polishing rate 65% / Yeast No.6

"Kimoto-no-dobu" is an ultimate kimoto cloudy sake made by complete fermentation process. Creamy, pure rich umami with refreshing dry finish. Serve chilled, on the rocks, with soda, and kanzake(warm - hot).
A957 SUIRYUU 睡龍 純米大吟醸 まほろば 久保本家酒造 奈良県 30BY(2018) 1800ml A697 HATSUGASUMI 初霞 純米 久保本家酒造 奈良県 27BY(2015) 1800ml 6712 SUIRYUU 睡龍 純米大吟醸 まほろば 久保本家酒造 奈良県 27BY(2015) 720ml
: HK$780.00
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: HK$390.00
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: HK$390.00
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A957 SUIRYUU 睡龍 純米大吟醸 まほろば 久保本家酒造 奈良県 30BY(2018) 1800ml A697 HATSUGASUMI 初霞 純米 久保本家酒造 奈良県 27BY(2015) 1800ml 6712 SUIRYUU 睡龍 純米大吟醸 まほろば 久保本家酒造 奈良県 27BY(2015) 720ml
30BY(2018) Junmai-daiginjou
Rice polishing rate : 40%

Aged Junmai-daiginjou made by "complete fermentation" process. Super dry.

27BY(2015) Junmai-shu
Gohyakumangoku + Nippon-bare
Rice polishing rate : 65%

"Hatsugasumi" is a traditional brand of Kubo-Honke Shuzou. The authentic sake made by "complete fermentation" process. Released after several years of ageing period.
27BY(2015) Junmai-daiginjou
Rice polishing rate : 40%

Aged Junmai-daiginjou made by "complete fermentation" process. Super dry.

6959 SUIRYUU 睡龍 生酛純米 久保本家酒造 奈良県 19BY(2007) 1800ml 6493 SUIRYUU 睡龍 生酛純米 久保本家酒造 奈良県 22BY(2010) 1800ml 6962 SUIRYUU 睡龍 生酛純米 涼 久保本家酒造 奈良県 22BY(2010) 1800ml
: HK$680.00
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: HK$580.00
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: HK$550.00
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6959 SUIRYUU 睡龍 生酛純米 久保本家酒造 奈良県 19BY(2007) 1800ml 6493 SUIRYUU 睡龍 生酛純米 久保本家酒造 奈良県 22BY(2010) 1800ml 6962 SUIRYUU 睡龍 生酛純米 涼 久保本家酒造 奈良県 22BY(2010) 1800ml
19BY(2007) Kimoto Junmai-shu
Rice polishing rate : 65%

The combination of the process of complete fermentation and a long lapse of time makes this unparalleled Kimoto Junmai-shu. The bottle is released after long ageing period - 6 to 8 years, sometimes over 10 years. It has beautiful amber colour and superb purity.
22BY(2010) Kimoto Junmai-shu
Rice polishing rate : 65%

The combination of the process of complete fermentation and a long lapse of time makes this unparalleled Kimoto Junmai-shu. The bottle is released after long ageing period - 6 to 8 years, sometimes over 10 years. It has beautiful amber colour and superb purity.
22BY(2010) Kimoto Junmai-shu "Cool Off"
Rice polishing rate : 65%

The combination of the process of complete fermentation and a long lapse of time makes this unparalleled Kimoto Junmai-shu. The bottle is released after long ageing period - 6 to 8 years, sometimes over 10 years. It has beautiful amber colour and superb purity.
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Kubo-honke shuzou

Kubo-honke shuzou(=久保本家酒造) was established in 1702 in Nara, which is the origin of saké. Toji(=杜氏。Head of brewery team) : Mr.Kato has lead saké making of Kubo-honke since 2003. Mr.Kato has received the full backing of Mr.Kubo(the 11th head of family Kubo-honke). He and his team brew the one and only, authentic saké which has extreme purity and boasts outstanding strength and durability.

Toji : Mr.Kato had brought the “Kimoto(=生酛)” method to make his ideal saké. Kimoto is an ancient method which was established in the Edo era. Today, sokujou(=速醸。making starter instantly and safely) is the standard way of saké making and this method is good for mass production. On the other hand, the whole process of Kimoto is executed manually and naturally, therefore Toji needs to deal with the risk of spoilage of fermentation, and the production amount is limited. Due to poor cost efficiency, Kimoto had disappeared 100 years ago and was forgotten for a long time. However, some breweries rediscovered merits of Kimoto and they revived this method today. On the way of quest to ideal saké, Toji : Mr.Kato had encountered Kimoto, and he decided to go this way.

Kuramoto(=蔵元。owner of brewery) : Mr.Kubo was not interested in saké and this family business when he was young, and he had started his carrier as a banker after graduation. After a while, he was sent to London branch, and maybe this experience of seeing Japan and its culture from the overseas had brought him some different sight. Then, he re-recognised that his family has been inheriting treasures since 300 years ago, and he was aware that he must succeed the family brewery. After that, he finally went back to Kubo-honke shuzou in 1995.

At that time, Kubo-honke was selling bulk saké to major companies. Mr.Kubo was struggling and he was thinking about the future of saké industry, and that his brewery will not be bright if they were doing the same(saké industry over the peak in 1975 and is continuously declining since that). He decided to change the business style and started selling saké with their own labels. It was also not easy, and he had to be patient. After years of trial and error, finally Mr.Kubo found Mr.Kato and got an inspiration “His Kimoto is the solution”. Then, Mr.Kubo had bet the future of Kubo-honke on Mr.Kato. That was year 2003.

To sign the contract, Mr.Kato requested one important condition. That was "Kato and his team can drink saké(what they produced) as much as they like", because Mr.Kato wanted to make saké with the highest quality for his self drinking. "That's why we are very serious. We produce real stuff for ourselves, so quality guaranteed 100%. And remainings are for sale", said Mr.Kato.

Today, several breweries have implemented the Kimoto method, and generally people recognise that Kimoto brings complexity to saké. However Kubo-honke's Kimoto is not like others. Toji : Mr.Kato builds-up and refines yeasts thoroughly until completion of fermentation. Those strong yeasts convert all sugars to alcohol and finish their task perfectly. This extreme process makes superb purity and outstanding strength. It's brilliant.

Mr.Kato and his team also produce Sokujou version. "Based on deep understanding of every step of Kimoto, we are also able to operate Sokujou method perfectly too". So high quality of Kubo-honke's casual lines(Sokujou version) are also strongly supported by their Kimoto expertise.

Today, this almost deified brewery Kubo-honke is releasing three unique saké - “Kimoto-no-dobu=生酛のどぶ” is an ultimate cloudy sake in dry style, “Suiryu=睡龍” is a large-boned saké which possesses extreme purity and great ageing potential, and “Hatsugasumi=初霞” is bringing warm, calm and relaxing mood to you.

Real Kimoto(生酛) saké requires at least five years ageing to be ready to drink and we never release Kimoto version of Suiryu(睡龍) at young stages, said Kato toji of Kubo-Honke Shuzo(加藤杜氏/久保本家酒造). This is the reason why all Kimoto version of Suiryu which you can see is older vintages. Kimoto-no-dobu(生酛のどぶ) is released relatively earlier because Moromi(醪=mash) soften the texture of saké.

*Kimoto(生酛) is a natural and traditional way of saké making. The wild yeast makes a strong structure and unique flavour. This method requires much time and effort.